Professional Development for Educators

  • Online Professional Development 

    The Center for Online Learning is pleased to offer ongoing professional development opportunities for teachers. All options are fully online, and there are options for teachers to receive either CTLE (Continuing Teacher and Leader Education) credits, as well as graduate credits.

    All online courses encourage teachers to create engaging learning activities that enhance the curriculum, share resources/knowledge, and discuss educational issues.


    Register and view all courses directly at: 

    Please note that all approvals must be completed prior to the course start date in order to be enrolled




Create an Account

  • If the online course you have signed up for is being housed by our Learning Management System: BUZZ. You will be asked to self enroll and be given access to an enrollment code.

    If this is the first online PD course you're taking with us using the BUZZ platform you'll need to create an account using the steps below.


    BUZZ LMS page for online professional development:


    Account Creation Instructions: 

    To find the 'Create Account' prompt click on the 3 vertical dots at the top right of the buzz landing page. (shown below)

    image: location of create account button


    Course Enrollment Instructions: 

    Log in to the  BUZZ learning management system and navigate to the round user icon in the top right corner and click on the down arrow icon:

    New Buzz Login

    Choose “Enter Registration Code”:  Enter the code for the appropriate course from the information provided to you when you registered for the course in MyLearningPlan.