• ENL Course Certification Completion Information:

    Thank you for delving into the area of virtual PD through your participation in our ENL courses. Below is information on how to get your CTLE completion certificate.  Reminder, in order to get your CTLE completion certificate, all participants must:

    • spend a minimum of two hours in the course
    • receive a minimal grade of 80% on all graded activities
    • complete at least 85% of required course activities

    Printing Course Completion Certificates:

    • Nassau Boces Center for Online Learning will send your district a monthly report of all ENL course completions 
    • Your district approves and marks attendance in Frontline
    • Print certificate button will appear in Frontline once district confirms final attendance

    Please know that we are well-aware that these courses present the first “gradable” virtual professional development courses many of you are taking.  This process will become more familiar to you as you continue to navigate these new waters of virtual learning.


    You can double-check to see if you have met the criteria above by logging into Buzz and doing the following:

    Click  on the Gradebook Icon  icon in the left-hand navigation toolbar.


    Click on "Grades" to see your quiz score.



    Click on “Activity” to view the total time spent in the course.  The total time spent in the course needs to be greater than or equal to 2 hours.



     For technical support, please contact the Center for Online Learning Help Desk:

    • nbcol@nasboces.org