Online Professional Development Registration Fees

  •     Subscriber Price  Non-Subscriber Price

    45 CTLE Hours $238  $261
    LILIE 3 Credit Graduate Course* $583 $604

    Please contact Eileen Dwyer at if you are unsure if your district subscribes to the Center for Online Learning.

    LILIE In-Service and Graduate Online Courses:
    • Course offerings are aligned with both the district’s professional development needs as well as with teacher’s interest.
    • Teachers learn according to their schedule. Classrooms are accessible via the internet. Online courses provide participants with maximum family and work flexibility and allow for successful     management in all these areas of life while achieving meaningful professional development.
    • Participants may communicate with classmates and instructor(s) at their most convenient times and from various locations. Project/assignment deadlines are easier to meet with such convenience.
    • Access to materials available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  There are no specific days or times you must login and post to the course. We require a minimum of 4 academic posts and 2 peer comment posts per week for each of the 4 weeks of the course. They must be spread out throughout the week to facilitate class discussion.
    *Graduate courses are offered through Manhattan College and The University of Massachusetts Global.  Please visit  for information regarding transcript requests.
    Graduate transcript grades will take 2 weeks to post by the university/college after the course end date. We advise ordering a transcript after the 15th of the following month.


    LILIE Highlights:
    • Webpages: All courses have their own webpage that are designed to showcase course curricula, objectives and various resources that are required for the course.
    • Discussion Boards: LILIE course participants log onto their course via the website with their login name and confidential password. Participants post comments at least 4 different times  per week.
    • Open communication: LILIE operates in a strictly transparent manner and in doing so, provides superintendents with all course curricula, access to view all currently running online courses including teacher participation and postings, access to view or request course logs attesting to minimum of 45 hours completed coursework, instructor biographies and links to course webpages and content.

Withdrawal and Refund Policy

  • Payment must be made prior to the course start date. Participants may drop a course prior to the start date through My Learning Plan or by written request.  Refunds will not be issued after the course begins.


  • Eileen Dwyer, Coordinator of Distance Education Services
    (516) 608-6624 
    Fax (516) 396-2040