Ecology Programs at Brookville

  • An early morning at Brookville

     Ecology based programs include nature trail, birding and others suited to a special season.
  • wooded trail Nature Trail: Creative Interpreters 
    This program allows the individual student time and place to quietly experience the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world and then to express these feelings in a story, poem, essay, sketch, or artistic display. This activity can be integrated into other programs such as survival and overnight programs.

    blue jay Birds: 
    Designed for younger students, this program includes observation of birds; the examination of bird adaptations through use of bird costumes; and the making of a pine cone feeder by each student.


    group walking in woods Winter Explorers:  
    The class forms a winter search party to find out where the plants and animals go during the winter months and to examine how the animals and plants adapt to the cold weather environment.     

    By examining the many facets of cold weather survival, students compare and contrast human's needs to the needs of other animals in a cold weather environment.