Outdoor and Environmental Education Science, STEAM, AND Social Studies

  • A Cross-Curricular Approach

    The Brookville Environmental site houses the Colonial History Program where students learn and experience life as a colonist.

    Students travel through time to experience life on a homestead.  They can visit the log cabin to get a first-hand look at the living quarters. In the blacksmith shop, students learn how to forge metal. They discover why many facets of the community could not function without a blacksmith.

    Colonial tools Colonial workspace

    With 20 acres in a natural setting, Brookville Environmental Center is an escape to nature providing a unique outdoor classroom experience. 

    The Project Adventure Challenge Course encourages Social Emotional Education through team building and cooperative learning. Curiosity and problem-solving are encouraged and nurtured in all our programs whether learning about Orienteering, Nature Trail Exploration or studying Field to Forest succession.

    Outdoor picnic tablesChallenge course

    The Caumsett Environmental Center located in Caumsett State Park provides a unique opportunity to implement a three-dimensional approach to science education as emphasized in the NGSS.

    With the diversity of natural habitats at Caumsett State Park, we can offer programs for students that focus on ecological, evidence-based, hands-on scientific exploration. In Glacial Geology, students explore the glacial composition of the North Shore. The Pond Study Program gives students the opportunity to explore the microcosm of the pond. Adventure education programs focus on geographic, interpersonal, and life skills while reinforcing content.

    Students learning colonial skills

    Just Beyond the Classroom Programs brings Outdoor and Environmental Education into schools.  The program consists of site programs with additional programs like the Giant Earth Balloon and Starlab which allow the Naturalist to focus on cross-curricular activities.

    Earth balloon Earth balloon close-up