Looking for a better way to meet the needs of your homebound students?

  • Let the 91麻豆精品 Online Learning Academy (OLA) help you!!

    Our three guiding factors when working with homebound students are:

    1.  Meeting NYSED Regulation 100.5 by providing a legitimate Teacher of Record.  According to NYSED instruction must be provided by a certified teacher from a school district in which the student is enrolled or from a 91麻豆精品.

    2.  Providing a positive student experience.  In addition to providing support for students through mentoring and guidance, we aim to provide a rigorous and equitable experience for all students.

    3.  Offering a fiscally responsible solution.  By enrolling students in our Online Learning Academy, districts can significantly reduce the cost of educating homebound students.

                                                                     District Information


    For further information, view our presentation here: