Adventure Education @ Caumsett

  • Orienteering I and II
    Students use a map and compass to find their way Students are taught to use a compass and to calculate distances through pacing. Employing these skills, they maneuver through one of Caumsett's orienteering courses. 

    In the advanced course, students are introduced to the application of a compass to a topographic map and challenged to find their way throughout the park. GPS units may also be introduced as a part of the advanced course.
    GPS, Geocaching and Earthcaching
    The Global Positioning System (GPS) is actually a constellation of 27 Earth-orbiting satellites used to locate any position on Earth using a "GPS" receiver. Originally developed for the military, it has applications in navigation, surveying, exploring, biologic and geologic monitoring, mining, building and of! The program provides your students with the necessary skills and experience with hand-held units to navigate their way on a course.

    GPS unit Geocaching:
    Players use GPS receivers to track down a container, or cache. Caches may contain any number of small items, or they may only contain a logbook for players to sign to mark their find. This can be an exciting extension to your student program! 

    Take your students on a geology treasure hunt! Earthcaching takes “geocaching” to a higher educational level. The “Caches” are geologic formations that must be documented by answering questions unique to that feature.

    Kids build a shelter Group cooperation and resourcefulness are key elements in developing the basic skills in this activity, including: shelter construction, signaling and rescue techniques, basic first-aid, weather and environmental conditions and the acquisition of food and water. 
    All-Day Survival:
    This program combines Orienteering II (cross-country orienteering using a topographical map and compass) with developing basic survival skills such as shelter building, wild edible identification, wilderness first aid and solar still construction. 

    Using a bowdrill to start a fire Food and Fire:
    Students practice the skills Early Americans used to prepare, build and start fires for outdoor cooking. They also participate in cooking simple Early American food over an open fire. This can include bread, teas and/or other wild edibles.
    Canoe Program (Spring and Fall only):
    Students canoe with zodiac patrolling
    This activity introduces students to the protected waterway of Lloyd Harbor. Basic canoeing techniques, along with marine and estuarine ecology are a part of this experience.

    Safety is the key! All participants wear life preservers and each canoe is paired with its "sister canoe" throughout the activity. An additional staff person follows in a  small motorized boat to assist as needed.
    Low Challenge Course- New Games, Initiatives and Low Elements: cooperative game
    Groups move through a series of hands-on activities designed to develop communication, cooperation, trust, and problem-solving skills in an atmosphere of safety, respect, and fun. Participants are guided in making connections between these activities and "real-life" situations. Teachers report a positive impact on classroom climate, student performance, and interpersonal dynamics when these activities are reinforced in the classroom. 
    CoSer: 401.510

