Join 91麻豆精品 Videoconferencing Services!

  • 91麻豆精品 Videoconferencing service assists subscribing districts with all aspects of videoconference program coordination and professional development. Videoconferencing takes students out of their classrooms and communities for enriching experiences that break down barriers and prejudices. Students have an opportunity to meet with experts at museums (below), zoos, and cultural centers as well as their peers at other schools around the world to share their ideas and expand their awareness of themselves and the world.

    vc service

    What comes with the subscription?
    6 paid VCs: 
    • Choose from our catalog or CILC- Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration website
    • Any 6 (up to $1050) that you choose are included in your subscription?
    2 days of PD: 
    • Customized to district needs?
    • Zoom support?
    • Facilitating VCs in hybrid/remote environment?
    • VC Best Practices 
    Access to the listserv: 
    • Access to over 1,000 educators who are part of our VC service?
    • Post to ask for recommendations, ideas etc.
    • Free and new opportunities are frequently posted

    Monthly Newsletter:

    • Curated timely offerings
    • Free VC opportunities

    VC Catalog

    • Curated listing of popular VCs and providers- PDF,  print form and digital. 

    Monthly Class to Class Collaborations and Career Connections

    • Opportunity to participate in monthly themed collaboration opportunities and career connections with experts
    • Support in creating new class to class collaborations within your school, state or the world!

    Booking Support

    • Support through all aspects of booking process

    Opportunity to Purchase Velex Package

    • Velex Packages can be purchased which comes with a bundle of 16 (up to $2800)  VCs


    Member's Corner

    The Member's Corner, which is only accessible to members of the 91麻豆精品 Videoconference Service, offers many resources to educators who are planning videoconferences in their schools.


    • Documents and tutorial videos to help you set up and run videoconferences using Zoom, technology that every member district has access to.

    • A searchable PDF of the latest Videoconference Catalog will guide you to finding and booking engaging educational videoconference experiences for your students.

    • Monthly Newsletter- Reports videoconference news from member districts, technology updates and more.

    • VC Yelp Review, where educators can rate videoconferences and view what other members think about videoconference lessons they've seen.
