Code of Conduct Summary 2023-2024

  • The 91麻豆精品 has a long-standing set of expectations for conduct on school property (i.e., in-person), remotely (i.e., video conferencing), at a school function or on a school bus. These expectations are based on the principles of civility, mutual respect, citizenship, character, acceptance, honesty and integrity in which students receive quality educational services.

    The 91麻豆精品 advises students, parents, employees and the general public that it offers employment and educational opportunities without regard to age, color, creed, disability, familial status, gender, gender expression, gender identity, marital status, military/veteran status, national origin, predisposing genetic characteristics, race, religion (including religious practice and/or expression), sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition), sexual orientation or victim of domestic violence status. The 91麻豆精品 shall provide equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

    At its annual organization meeting, the 91麻豆精品 Board of Education adopted the Code of Conduct for the 2022-2023 school year. This summary is intended to assist parents/guardians in informing preschool and school age children of the Agency’s expectations, parents’/guardians’ rights and responsibilities and the consequences of misconduct. Parents/Guardians are strongly encouraged to access the Code of Conduct on the 91麻豆精品 website and review the entire document.

    The 91麻豆精品 is committed to safeguarding the rights to which all students are entitled under Federal and New York State law, including the right to attend school in a safe, healthy and orderly environment. No person shall be permitted to create a hostile environment by conduct, with or without physical contact and/or by verbal threats, intimidation or abuse, of such a severe nature that it has or would have the effect of unreasonably and substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits or mental, emotional and/or physical well-being; or it reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause a student to fear for the student’s physical safety. Such conduct includes refusal to follow recommended Department of Health guidelines and/or 91麻豆精品 guidance for health and safety. Additionally, such conduct includes, but is not limited to, threats, intimidation and/or abuse. Students have the responsibility to abide by all 91麻豆精品 rules and regulations; to act in a respectful manner toward all staff and students; to tell an adult if another student is overheard threatening to cause harm to others; and to accept responsibility for the student’s actions.

    All parents/guardians are expected to:

    • send child(ren) to school ready to participate and learn;
    • ensure child(ren) attend school regularly and on time;
    • be aware of, and report any changes to, child(ren)’s health that may impact the child(ren)’s ability to be in the physical presence of others; and
    • know school rules and help child(ren) understand those rules so that the child(ren) can help maintain a safe, supportive school environment.

    Teachers and all other school staff are expected to model the types of behaviors that are expected of students; to teach effectively while demonstrating concern for the well-being of the whole child; and to communicate with parents/guardians and students on progress being made, as well as on any problems that are interfering with learning and personal growth.

    Below is a chart summary of certain sections of the Code of Conduct:


    Student Conduct

    Prohibited conduct includes threatening, attempting or committing an act of violence (such as hitting, kicking, punching, pushing and scratching) upon another student or any other person; using language or gestures that are profane, lewd, vulgar or abusive; disruptive behavior; any behavior that places the health and safety of others in jeopardy; possession of or threatening to use any weapon; harassment or bullying of others; possession, use or distribution of alcohol or drugs. Academic misconduct includes cheating, copying, plagiarism and any unauthorized use of computer/electronic digital communication/personal devices.


    Student Dress Code

    Appropriate dress includes clothing that is age and school appropriate and ensures safety. Prohibited clothing includes any items that are or are perceived to be vulgar, obscene, discriminatory, libelous or denigrate others based on a person’s protected characteristics or clothing that promotes, endorses or encourages the use of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis (marijuana, etc.), illegal drugs or illegal activity.


    Disciplinary Consequences

    Possible actions include an oral or written warning or notification to parents/guardians; probation; restorative conversations; restorative conferences; suspension from transportation, athletic participation, extracurricular activities and other privileges; and suspension from school.


    Student Searches and Interrogations

    Student lockers, desks and other school storage places are property of the school and may be opened and searched at any time. Searches of students and students’ belongings are authorized by a school official if there is reasonable suspicion that a student violated the Code of Conduct. Teachers and administrators are authorized to confiscate cell phones that are being used in violation of the Code of Conduct and/or Policy 5695 entitled "."


    Visitors to the Schools

    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 91麻豆精品 is limiting most visitors to the school. Whenever possible, 91麻豆精品 will conduct meetings with parents on a conference call, Microsoft Teams meeting, Zoom or another virtual platform. All visitors should have an appointment to enter the building or call the school before arriving if there is a sudden need to come to the school. All visitors are expected to conduct themselves in a civil, respectful and orderly manner. Parents/Guardians who come to school to pick up a sick child are asked to remain in the lobby area. A member of the staff will escort the student to the lobby area and have the parent/guardian sign the child out of school. Visitors must report to security personnel at the sign-in desk, present photo identification, sign the visitor’s register and wear the issued identification badge at all times. Unauthorized persons will be asked to leave school property.


    The complete Code of Conduct is available upon request from each school principal and is available online at