• InterLibrary Loan Procedures


    The state-wide School Library System was established to promote interlibrary loan Membership in the 91麻豆精品 School Library System (NBSLS) provides interlibrary loan service at no cost to all members.

    Please e-mail NBSLS at library@nasboces.org or call (516) 608-6630 or fax (516) 608-6621 with any InterLibrary Loan requests.


    There are three levels of participation.

    1. NBSLS Union Catalog


    The NBSLS Union Catalog contains over 2.8 million MARC Records of the holdings of the members of the System and can be accessed .  However, the Union Catalog is only updated once a year.  Since items are being added to the collections through out the school year, it is recommended to post your ILL request to the list serve.  Once a loan is confirmed, contact NBSLS for delivery arrangements. Members are encouraged to participate in interlibrary loan as both borrowers and lenders.



     2NBSLS Professional Catalog 


    NBSLS maintains a professional collection for school librarians and other educators.  Books, puppets and scanners are available for borrowing.  These items can be viewed . Members are encouraged to contact NBSLS for further information.


     3. ILL beyond NBSLS

    Material may be borrowed from sources beyond NBSLS.  Scholarly books and articles on topics including medical sciences, education, social sciences, history, politics, pure sciences and more may be requested through interlibrary loan.  Citations from online databases, journals, bibliographies or other verified sources are acceptable as interlibrary loan requests.  This is a free service for all NBSLS members.  Material is sent electronically or mailed. 


    Procedures for Requesting Research Articles and Books